Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Canadian Ecology Centre

This past weekent John and I joined my Nipissing University students at the Canadian Ecology Centre.  The weekend was the last over night field trip for the class which had started in September.  We are used to camping but the accommodations at the CEC are luxurious--so we enjoyed the outdoors and the indoors.

Our cabin #23 was nestled in the forest and the trees were heavy with snow.   We arrived in the afternoon and had time to settle in and unwind before joining the students for dinner.

The evening program centered around the campfire.  John was able to see how university students have fun.  There were a lot of games and songs around the fire.

On Saturday we started off on a snow shoe hike across the bridge spanning the Amable du Fond River.  The snow was deep and the scenery was beautiful.

After lunch two guest speakers joined our group.  The first was Dr. Mark Swain who spoke about balance in life and the importance of recognizing the the most important environment to care for is our own body, mind, and spirt.

Later that afternoon, Cliff Moulder, a retired science teacher demonstrated the ancient techniques for starting a fire.  John joined one of the student groups and together they practised starting fire from scratch.  Later John and I came third in the fire starting competition.

The evening program involved a late night snow shoe hike using night vision goggles.  Too cool.  We hiked down to the boad launch and howled for wolves.  The stars were out.  It was beautiful.

This was a very busy weekend and we were both tired by Sunday afternoon.  An awesome time with the fantastic Nip U students.

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