Sunday, January 22, 2012

First ski of 2012

Jumping in with both feet is good advice when you are on a cliff and the water is below.  Skiing however, and this is advice for me and me only, is a little different.

This morning my son John and I decided to go skiing.  I realized immediately that I could not explain how to ski.  Could not put it into words, so I surfed to youtube and found a few how-to videos.  This was good.  Got it--now I remember.  Time to head to the hill.   We are so fortunate to have a ski hill within the city. 

Off we go to the the ski hill.  Specifically the bunny hill for starters.  A few runs and we were good to go to the big side of things.

The weather was perfect -6, and there has hardly anyone on the hill.

The view from the chairlift was awesome.

A great day of skiing, and home in time to catch the NFL playoffs.

It was great to get out and onto the hill.  Looking forward to our next adventure.

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