Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fun in the rain -- the Chutes

The weather this summer has been fantastic.  Hot and sunny.  The average temperature of Lake Nipissing hovers between 20 and 24 degrees.  Nice enough to swim anytime--day or night--rain or shine.  We have been spending a lot of time on our sailboat taking advantage of the nice weather.  When the rain showed up it gave us the opportunity to get back into our canoe and head to Talon Chutes in the rain.

A couple of John's buddies (Connor and Keenan) joined us for this adventure.  "You guys up for paddling in the rain?"  Everyone was pumped to go.  So we packed up a lunch, threw in some raincoats and headed to Pimis Bay.

The air temperature was about 18 and the water was warmer.  The paddle in was beautiful as always.  The warm rain made it peaceful--even with the three crew.  John and Connor sat at the bow paddling, and Keenan was the designated team biologist (spotted on this trip were: a beaver, beautiful red flower, frog).

Once at the chutes we hiked around to see the "dog-face" rock and climb across the dam.  We discovered a hornet's nest--I took one for the team here--part of being the leader.  After our hike and explore we settled back to the trailhead where the canoe was beached and went swimming in the rain.  Fantastic.  We all enjoyed the warm water and rain.  Everyone enjoyed jumping off the low cliffs on the opposite side of the river.

The trip ended back at the put-in--just as the sun came out to dry out our bathing suits.  Perfect.

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