Saturday, November 6, 2010

Talon Chutes Day Hike

This was a great day with Bill Steer and the students from Nipissing University. I've been to Talon Chutes many times but the difference today was having Bill as guide. Wow. What a cool trip.

The drive to the trail head was east into the rising sun.  Very nice way to start an adventure

We met at Corbeil corners at 8:30 am and car pooled to the trail head. About 8 minutes away.

I was a little tardy with my batteries--so I'm missing photos. When my camera went dead I switched to my flashlight batteries--which went dead so I switched to my GPS batteries--which went dead.
Start here, with the GPS coordinates
(I just came back from buying batteries.)

The walk in was a brisk 31 minutes.  The ground was just sleightly frozen and we crunched around the gravel pit before heading down the trail.  A frozen deer track was perfect for creating a plaster of paris sample.  (we were not prepared for that today)

The hike is a easy walk down a road with a few trees over the route.  Easy for everyone.

I've picked some pictures from google maps to help illustrate the journey.  You can see the falls from the satellite photo--a cloudy day when the satellite passed over.

Satellite view of the Chutes--one of my fav places.
Once we were at the dam, we crossed over and walked another 200 metres to an old brucecite mine.  There was some old machinery rusting in the forest.   After a cup of coffee we headed back to the portage trail at Talon Chutes and explored the terrain just off the beaten path.  15 m over from the river is a whole other adventure that I had never seen before.  The highest point at the portage is rarely seen by the average tourist--who stays on the beaten path.

I'll be heading back here soon with my kids to capture some cool photos and just experience the beauty of this area.

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